Online Casino Roulette Strategy

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If you are looking for a way to get ahead and win a bit more often when you are in a casino, perhaps what you need to do is to look into some casino roulette strategy. This is a very interesting field because it remains to be seen whether there is one all encompassing strategy which can really work when it comes to roulette, and a lot of people seem to think that they have stumbled onto a formula that at least partially works. Whether or not this is really the case remains to be seen, but what we can say for sure is that there are a lot of them to try out and find out for yourself how well they work.

Because of the nature of the game and the fact that you cannot control the way in which the ball lands when the wheel is spinning, you will find that most casino roulette strategy is centred around the bets that you make and how or when you make them. There is a certain formula which can be applied in order to work out which bet you should make, how much of a bet you should make, and how many times you should bet, and this is what those who are looking for the magic strategy are playing around with in order to come up with new ways to play to seek out success. You can go and find one which has already been talked about on the internet if you want to, or buy a book from one of the people who claim to have written a winning roulette strategy in order to try out what they suggest, or just try and come up with your own – it is up to you, and which method you think that you would enjoy the best. After all, since this is a bit of an experimental field, it is very important that you manage to try out everything for yourself and have some fun while you are doing it – or they would not be called casino games in the first place! While it can be very serious business trying to work out a way to play for profit, it can also be very fun and rewarding to just have a go yourself and enjoy the journey towards successful playing.

You will find that you can employ casino roulette strategy in a number of different ways, and it will perhaps go differently based on certain factors. One of these, and perhaps the most obvious, is whether you are playing in a land based casino or an online casino: the mechanics will be different in both cases, as in a land based casinos the roulette wheel is a physical object dominated by physics and affected by a human croupier, while in an online casino it is simply a computer program which calls up a random number. The differences between the way they work can be very large, and this will certainly have an effect on the strategy that you are using. Then there is the fact that there are three different types of roulette which you can play: European roulette, which is the basic form of the game, American roulette, which adds an extra number around the outside of the wheel which therefore has an effect on the betting tables and the odds, and French roulette, which uses the European wheel with a modified betting table. The version that you are playing is very important to take note of and stick to, as your strategy may be thrown completely out if it involves focus on which bets in particular you make. Not only are the options different for different games, but even in those games where the betting table option you want is still there the odds will also change. This could through all of your calculations out by just enough to render your strategy useless, so that even if you really were onto something in the first place you might get the impression that you had worked everything out wrong if you accidentally started to play the wrong version of the game.

Perhaps we can talk a little about some examples of casino roulette strategy which have been used and spoken about in the past, in order to give you an idea of where you might like to start when it comes to getting the strategy that you want set up. One thing that has been done often is to stick to the same bet on every single game and simply raise or lower the amount that you are betting every time based on what happened on the previous spin: some will advocate doubling your bet when you lose in order to recoup your losses and halving your bet when you win so that you are not risking quite so much each time, while others will suggest that the opposite strategy will be a better one so that you can minimise the losses in a losing streak and get the most that you can out of a winning streak. Which direction you go in is ultimately up to you, so perhaps you could try both of them in order to figure out which suits you the most in terms of both the style of the play and the outcomes that you experience while trying it.

What you will certainly discover is that casino roulette strategy can be a lot deeper than you at first imagine, and a lot of people have spent a lot of time trying to come up with that perfect betting pattern, whether it means having a set pattern of bets to make each time or simply a series of rules which allow you to be flexible depending on what happens on each spin. This is something that can become a real hobby, so if you are looking for something to spend your spare time on this could certainly be the one for you!

As with many online casino games, roulette features very little strategy beyond pure chance. The spinning wheel has no memory. In fact, there is just as much chance that two identical numbers will come up on consecutive spins as two different number. However, players have developed some strategies, mostly having to do with even money bets, that may result in winnings. Many are risky at best and have no guarantee of working every time.

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Roulette Playing Strategies


The Martingale is a rather risky but very simple system of even money betting, usually on red and black. Essentially, the player chooses a color and places their initial minimum outside bet on that color. After the first spin, they double their bet if they lost. If they win the bet, they restart the system with the original minimum bet. For example, the Martingale player might begin by betting $5 on black and lose. They would then bet $10 on black. Even if the second bet was a loss, a third bet win would cover both the first and second losses as well as earns a $5 profit.

Although this system sometimes works, there are many factors to consider:

Table Maximum: Many roulette tables carry an outside bet maximum that can interfere with the Martingale system. With the original example bet of $5, the eighth bet would exceed the maximum and cause player to no longer be able to double their bet.


Table Memory: There is no table memory. You can never actually predict what sequence of outside bets will occur. About once every 121 rounds, a streak of more than seven losses in a row will statistically occur. If these streaks occur more often than once every 121 rounds, which they very well can, you could lose your entire bankroll in a short time due to the betting maximum.

Expense: The Martingale system relies on the player having enough money to wager, and possibly lose, to continue the system effectively. When the maximum is not hit, there is technically no limit to the amount of times the ball will land on red instead of black. You could potentially have to place wagers of thousands of dollars to make up your original small bet. If you run out of money or hit the maximum, you cannot continue the system and have lost your entire bankroll.

Grand Martingale

American Roulette Strategy

The Grand Martingale operates in the same way as the Martingale but with even higher stakes, to the point where it is very risky, perhaps even too risky to serve as a valuable betting system. Not only does the player double their original even money bet, they add another unit. For example, a original bet loss of $5 then means that the player must bet $15 on the next round. All additions are made using the original betting unit, however. So, the next bet would be $35, followed by $75, etc.

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While the Grand Martingale has the potential to work many times, it suffers the same problems as the Martingale, only amplified. After only six losses, you will hit the example table maximum of $500, nowhere near enough to cover the inevitable streak that will come with an extended play session.

Basic Strategies and Payouts

The best strategies are formulated from knowing the payouts and making smart bets on both inside bets and outside bets. The payout for any individual number bet made on the inside is 35:1. However, with the addition of both 0 and 00 on American wheels, the actual odds of that number being the result are 37:1, or the house edge.

Most roulette experts suggest making larger outside bets and smaller inside bets. You should also remember that the minimum and maximum bets differ on inside and outside bets. A minimum inside bet of $5 means that your minimum total bet on the inside must add up to $5, or any combination of $1 bets, for example. However, a minimum outside bet of $5 cannot be distributed over any number of different bets. For example, you would have to bet $5 on black to meet the minimum, not $3 on black and $2 on odd numbers.

Online Casino Roulette Strategy Free

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