Eve Online Sell Plex For Real Money

(Redirected from PLEX vault)
The PLEX Vault is a separate inventory that only you have access to. It allows for safe storage of PLEX while moving as well as facilitating selling PLEX, adding Omega game time (plexing your account), Multiple Character Training (MCT) as well as buying PLEX.
  • 1Safe storage of PLEX
  • 2PLEX vault services

Curatores Veritatis Alliance. That is called RMT - Real Money Trading (selling in game items for real life money or selling ISK for real money) and is a very quick way to get banned for life from EvE. The ONE exception is buying a PLEX (1 Month of game time that can be sold in game for ISK) from a CCP authorized re-seller.

  1. Grinding EVE ISK is always time-consuming and rarely enjoyable, which is why manyplayers choose to buy ISK directly from other players at PlayerAuctions. Here,all ISK sellers are verified, and you are guaranteed safe and in-time deliveryor your money back. Based on the total ratings of 144 orders in the past 30 days.
  2. November 9, 2020. September 18, 2017 by Saarith. Eve Online PLEX (or Pilot License EXtension) is an item you can purchase with real money which gives you several benefits which are listed in this Eve Online PLEX guide. To use PLEX you need to access the PLEX vault. To access the Eve Online PLEX vault you can either go through your ship.

Safe storage of PLEX

There is no good reason to ever move PLEX inside the cargo cargo hold of your ship. Put it in the PLEX vault while moving and take it out when you've safely arrived at your destination (although in almost all cases you never need to take it out of the vault at all).

Items in the PLEX vault will not drop or be destroyed if someone kills your ship and pods you, so it's a safe way to move your PLEX.

Since you need to have your PLEX in the PLEX vault to use it or sell it (it won't let you sell PLEX if it's in your hangar or cargo hold), there's no reason to take it out of the vault unless you're planning on giving it away to someone through direct trade or contracts.

Eve Online Sell Plex For Real Money

Adding physical PLEX into the vault

If you've purchased PLEX from the market or received a physical bundle of PLEX from someone, you can add it to the PLEX vault locally as well as remotely.


Eve Online Sell Plex For Real Money Online

This is an example of right-clicking on an item in your hangar.
You can also go through your Personal Assets (either using the Alt + T shortcut or the NeoCom menu).
There is currently a bug in the Move to PLEX Vault when you try to move PLEX from an Upwell structure like a Citadel or Engineering Complex you don't have access to. This option is still there, but does absolutely nothing and gives no error message about it being intentional due to lack of access.

PLEX vault services

In the PLEX vault window you have quick access to selling PLEX directly on the market, adding Omega game time, buying extra skill queues, shop in the New Eden Store as well as buying PLEX using real money. To open the PLEX vault, go to your unified inventory (either from your shortcut Alt + C or the NeoCom), it's located at the very bottom of the index-list.

Eve online sell plex for real money online
Stuff ...

Sell PLEX for ISK

This option will simply open a normal Sell Items window. It won't open the market window however, so you might want to do that manually before selling the PLEX, so you can see the current prices and trends before setting your own price.

Add Omega game time & Buy extra skill queue

Both of these options open up a mini-version of the New Eden Store for quick access to these services and items.

Getting Add Omega game time opens up this quick-access window to purchase more Omega game time.
After opening up the Buy extra skill queue and purchasing it, you'll get an additional pop-up screen informing you of the Multiple Character Training that was delivered to your current hangar of the station or structure you're docked in.

Shop in the New Eden Store

This is a simple link to the New Eden Store, it does the same as going through the NeoCom menu.


This option will require fast checkout, but will conveniently allow you to complete PLEX purchase for real money without leaving the client.

If you haven't saved your credit card information, you'll initially be greeted with this message and a link to a secure browser checkout.
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/index.php?title=PLEX_Vault&oldid=144923'

Hello Capsuleers!

Eve Plex Sales

Every so often we’ll see topics like:

RMT Topic Subject wrote: EVE 1000 Mil ISK=$12.99

or may see pilots posting something similar within the help channels.

We call RMT or Real Money Trading. This is a form of buying ISK for real life money. This is a forbidden activity and isn’t allowed.

ISK buying and selling is against the Eve Online EULA (Section 6 b). More often or than not, these ISK Sellers are also linked to account hacking rings who pose a serious risk to the security of your EVE Online account.

We all value our new players immensely, and would hate to see any pilot fall foul due to these advertisements due to being unaware of the risk they pose.

Here are some steps that you can do to help combat RMT:

  1. If you are seeing this happen, stop by the Help Channels and see if there is a member of ISD online (You can typically find us in Help or Rookie Help) and let them know. You’re always welcome to also send us a mail asking what to do. If you are on the forums, press flag the post to get the attention of the forum moderators.

  2. Submit a support ticket and inform the GM team of what is happening. Please make sure to file this under Game Play Support > EULA & Terms of Service.

CCP Sreegs posted a DevBlog about this on 2012.04.03: http://community.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&nbid=28581
Here is the CCP EVE Security Video from Fanfest 2012: http://youtu.be/UG13u9KKtzE

I will just quote the tl;dr version.

Eve Trade Plex

CCP Sreegs wrote:

So, the tl;dr of this is:

  1. We’re going to take all your stuff if you cheat
  2. Buy PLEX, don’t be a space butt
  3. We’re keeping an eye on all sorts of fun places to pull numbers and graphs from and we’ll provide them in a separate blog
  4. We love you if you don’t cheat

Eve Online Sell Plex For Real Money

If you have any questions about this feel free to file a petition and ask the GMs or ask a ISD:STAR member in the Help Channel/Rookie Help Channel in-game.

Please make sure to share this with your fellow capsuleers and lets combat RMT togeather!